How to enable Ignite metrics

There is a lot of pre-configured metrics in Ignite that disabled for default. If you want to see them, you may pass instance of LogExporterSpi to IgniteConfiguration like that: You can work with Ignite metrics by some number of ways, not only through the logging system. For example: JMX SQL Views OpenCensus Please, refer to […]


Send JSON as parameter in url using RestTemplate

If you try to send the json as a parameter in url via Spring’s RestTemplate, you will encounter the following error: In order to solve this problem, you need to: Encode the URL yourself Disable url encoding at the RestTemplate level. Let’s do that: Many thanks to Chris Liu for showing how to disable url […]


How to delete PushGateway groups

In this article, we are going to figure out, how to delete PushGateway metrics/groups. Let’s also answer the question – why “PushGateway metrics delete not working” or “PushGateway groups delete not working”. First of all, you must specify all the keys of the group that you want to delete.You need to delete groups with such […]


How to add URL cert to JKS

Let’s imagine that you need to download a certificate from a website / service / endpoint and put it in the trusted certificates store (JKS or cacerts). To do this, you need to fill in the parameters SERVER_URL, ALIAS_NAME, CERT_NAME and run the script: As a result, an trusted jks storage will be created with […]


Invalid signature file digest

Full error text: This error can be encountered if there are signed libraries among the dependencies of your project. To solve the problem, you need to exclude files with the extensions .SF, .DSA, .RSA from the build. Of course, we will assume that you are building uber jar (fat jar). For Maven: For Gradle: Complete […]


Spark’s User Defined Functions in Java

In this article we will find the answer for questions: How to change the column in Spark? How to modify column in Spark? In other words: how to create a user defined function (UDF) and apply it. For example, let’s have a look to UDF, that takes a String and returns a String. For Spark […]