How to enable Ignite metrics

There is a lot of pre-configured metrics in Ignite that disabled for default. If you want to see them, you may pass instance of LogExporterSpi to IgniteConfiguration like that: You can work with Ignite metrics by some number of ways, not only through the logging system. For example: JMX SQL Views OpenCensus Please, refer to […]


IgniteException: Work directory does not exist

Suppose that when starting the application, you encounter the following exception: It is assumed, that the /tmp/ignite/work directory is located on the local file system. If the application is running on a cluster, then Ignite will try to create such a folder on each node of the cluster. Exception reasons: The account under which the […]


Failed to find reentrant lock with given name Ignite

Full text of the exception in Apache Ignite: The code that uses the reentrant lock looks something like this: Check that when creating a lock, the last argument = true is passed to the reentrantLock method: If the error is still repeated, then this is a bug: It appears when one of the server […]