JDK invalid target release

Suppose we just run into this error: And you use IntelliJ IDEA. The thing is that you need to double check at least four places that you have chosen the proper JDK version. Step #1 First things first, make sure that you have JDK 21 selected under File -> Project Settings -> Project -> SDK: […]


Maven dependency exclusion not working

This article helps you in such cases: There are at list two reasons of such problems: 1. This dependency is transitive for other dependency, not that one, where you made exclusion. Thus you need to add exclusion tag somewhere else (if your exclusion is located in section, not plugin-level). mvn dependency:tree is very useful for […]


Gmavenplus: Unrecognized target bytecode

When you try to compile Groovy with Java and use gmavenplus plugin for that purpose, you may face with this errors: To solve this problem, you need replace the ‘8’ to ‘1.8’ in your maven-compiler-plugin: If you don’t have maven-compiler-plugin – add it to your project’s pom.xml, as above.


Invalid signature file digest

Full error text: This error can be encountered if there are signed libraries among the dependencies of your project. To solve the problem, you need to exclude files with the extensions .SF, .DSA, .RSA from the build. Of course, we will assume that you are building uber jar (fat jar). For Maven: For Gradle: Complete […]


Scala + Maven + IntelliJ IDEA project setup

To create a Scala project using Maven to manage dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA, you first need to install the Scala plugin: File -> Preferences (Settings) -> Plugins Search Scala in the Marketplace Install it and restart IntelliJ IDEA Next, let’s create a regular Java + Maven project: File -> New -> Project Select Maven -> […]


Maven import static constant cannot find symbol

Suppose you have a class with constants: And you made the static import of this constant in another class: Everything looks good, and IDEA does not show any mistakes (in fact, there are really no errors in code). But Maven suddenly failed building project with cannot find symbol error. This situation can arise because there […]


Error while calling a method on a Groovy class

You may encounter an error when compiling your project that looks like this: It is not at all clear what class are meant. If you work with IntelliJ IDEA – this is the reason. Sometime it parses maven build/compile logs incorrectly, so the second part of the exception was lost. Compile manually through the terminal […]


How to add files to META-INF with Maven

Suppose you need to add some_dir/your_file.txt to META-INF using Maven, so that the final path looks like this: To do this, you need to create a META-INF/some_dir folders in the src/main/resources directory, and put there your_file.txt file: Once compiled, Maven will move META-INF/some_dir/your_file.txt from resources to the right place without deleting the existing files in […]


Get Maven artifact version at runtime

Let’s imagine that we need to get the value of a certain Maven property in Java code. First, let’s create a text file with any name, for example version.txt in the src/main/resources folder: Now let’s add the following block to pom.xml: Now, when building, Maven will replace the construction ${project.version} in the file with the […]