Apache Atlas – Building & Installing

Let’s say we want to got working Apache Atlas instance with embedded Hbase & Solr on our machine. Notice, that you need to install JDK 8 before start. Go to the Apache Atlas GitHub page, and download the zip file with the source code of the latest stable release from here: https://github.com/apache/atlas/tags Important notice: DO […]


KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase/hbaseid

IMPORTANT! If you trying to install Apache Atlas and receiving this error, there is a separate article: https://mchesnavsky.tech/apache-atlas-building-installing/ Suppose that we are faced with these exceptions. The first: The second: The third: The hbase-client cannot connect to the Zookeeper. You need to pay attention to the address: If there is a real Zookeeper instance at […]


How to run HBase utility class from Java

Suppose you need to run HBase utility class from Java code. Such a class will have a main() method, which we will use. For demonstrating, we will use RowSplitter class. Firstly, we need to add the hbase-server module (for example, version 1.2.3) to pom.xml: In some our own class, let’s call RegionSplitter’s main(): If you […]


HBase default SCAN parameters

If you are looking for default scan request parameters, here they are: Parameter Default value startRow HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW stopRow HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW maxVersions 1 batch -1 allowPartialResults false storeLimit -1 storeOffset 0 caching -1 maxResultSize -1L cacheBlocks true reversed false timeRange TimeRange.allTime() asyncPrefetch null small false mvccReadPoint -1L limit -1 readType Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT needCursorResult false


HBase client 1.x with gRPC

Imagine, that you need to use the HBase client 1.x and gRPC in the same Java application. The code for connecting dependencies to Maven will look something like this: If you run the application and execute the request through the HBase client, there will be an exception: The problem is that hbase-client 1.x uses an earlier […]