JDK invalid target release

Suppose we just run into this error: And you use IntelliJ IDEA. The thing is that you need to double check at least four places that you have chosen the proper JDK version. Step #1 First things first, make sure that you have JDK 21 selected under File -> Project Settings -> Project -> SDK: […]


Gradle use specific JDK

If you working with IntelliJ IDEA you may notice, that changing Project’s JDK version is not affected to Gradle build/run. To force Gradle to use a specific JDK version / vendor you merely need to change Gradle JVM version in IntelliJ IDEA settings:  Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Gradle → Gradle […]


Scala + Maven + IntelliJ IDEA project setup

To create a Scala project using Maven to manage dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA, you first need to install the Scala plugin: File -> Preferences (Settings) -> Plugins Search Scala in the Marketplace Install it and restart IntelliJ IDEA Next, let’s create a regular Java + Maven project: File -> New -> Project Select Maven -> […]


Error while calling a method on a Groovy class

You may encounter an error when compiling your project that looks like this: It is not at all clear what class are meant. If you work with IntelliJ IDEA – this is the reason. Sometime it parses maven build/compile logs incorrectly, so the second part of the exception was lost. Compile manually through the terminal […]