Python mypy / isort type ignore for long import

Suppose you have mypy + black + isort tools, and long import line, which you need to mark as ignored for mypy. You’ll probably start doing smth like this:

from example.artifact import Object # type: ignore

And after you run isort & black, you’ll end up in this situation:

from example.artifact import (
    Object, # type: ignore

Which will break mypy’s type: ignore annotation. To make things work we need to place it as follows:

from example.artifact import (  # type: ignore

But guess what… isort and black tools will revert your changes back (annotation will be reside in the middle line).

Thus the solution is to disable isort for this particular import as follows:

# isort: off
from example.artifact import (  # type: ignore
# isort: on

That’s all.

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