gRPC channel for target was not shutdown properly

Imagine you are faced with an error like this: The point is that if you create a gRPC channel, you must close it after use. Let’s say you’ve already made a channel like this: After use, it will need to be closed. It is important to wait until it closes; awaitTermination() is used for this:


How to add files to META-INF with Maven

Suppose you need to add some_dir/your_file.txt to META-INF using Maven, so that the final path looks like this: To do this, you need to create a META-INF/some_dir folders in the src/main/resources directory, and put there your_file.txt file: Once compiled, Maven will move META-INF/some_dir/your_file.txt from resources to the right place without deleting the existing files in […]