Opencensus GCP class tried to access private field

If you getting these opencensus errors in GCP from time to time: It worth to recheck dependency version of each opencensus component, that actually presented in your final jar: You may have opencensus-api version 0.19.2, and opencensus-impl version 0.15.0. Thus solution is to equalize all these versions. You can review your dependency versions with following […]


Accessing Spring Boot Actuator metrics programmatically

Suppose you have Spring Boot actuator in your application, and you want to access metrics programmatically. Or you want to gather a lot of system/application metrics initially. After you enable the Spring Boot actuator in your application (, just autowire all actuator auto wire candidates: You can use them like this: That’s all.


How to enable Ignite metrics

There is a lot of pre-configured metrics in Ignite that disabled for default. If you want to see them, you may pass instance of LogExporterSpi to IgniteConfiguration like that: You can work with Ignite metrics by some number of ways, not only through the logging system. For example: JMX SQL Views OpenCensus Please, refer to […]


How to delete PushGateway groups

In this article, we are going to figure out, how to delete PushGateway metrics/groups. Let’s also answer the question – why “PushGateway metrics delete not working” or “PushGateway groups delete not working”. First of all, you must specify all the keys of the group that you want to delete.You need to delete groups with such […]