Kotlin Mutliplatform responsive menu

You may have noticed that it’s hard to limit the size of the menu (ModelDrawer) in Kotlin Multiplatform, since there is just no such parameter. In this article we will find answers to these questions: The workaround here is to set the transparent color for the background, add new box with our own size limitations […]


Compile executables Kotlin Multiplatform

In this article we will find out answers to these questions: Kotlin Multiplatform project may have these parts: Important note, that we should execute any Gradle tasks using Run Configurations in Android Studio. Edit Configurations -> Add new -> Gradle -> Paste Gradle task to “Tasks and arguments” field. You may face errors when trying […]


CLEARTEXT communication not permitted

When trying to build a WebSocket connection without SSL on Android we might encounter this guy: If it is a development environment and you want to test things, obtaining proper SSL certificate could take time. Therefore, possible solutions are: 1. Adjust app manifest and allow cleartext communications This is simpler option, so let’s start with […]


How to turn off screen transitions Kotlin Multiplatform

In this article we will find answers to the following questions: Suppose we have the following navigation host: All we need to do is to set up value for enterTransition and exitTransition. If needed, you may want to look at popEnterTransition and popExitTransition as well. In this example we just turn off the transitions:


Kotlin Multiplatorm min window size

Unfortunately, it seems that Kotlin Multiplatform doesn’t support setting minimum window size for the desktop right now, however, there is a workaround. In this article we will find an answer to the following questions: Suppose we have some window with size: So the idea is to add listener for size changes and adjust it given […]