Python build object from json and back

Suppose you need to have bilateral conversion from json to object and vice versa. So, in this article you’ll find out how to: Build object from json Convert object to json If you need to rename some of the properties in the target json, you can make it this way: Here you go!


Java 8 date/time type not supported

Suppose you want to serialize some object to JSON. You may encounter the exception: We need to do two steps: Firstly, let’s add dependency from Next, let’s register JavaTimeModule within ObjectMapper: If you working with Spring or with some other framework, ObjectMapper can be instantiated implicitly. You need to override instantiation by yourself. For […]


Jackson Mismatched Input Exception

Suppose you are trying to do something like: But the output is something like: There are at least two reasons: Configuration file does not exist; Setters for MyConfiguration.class are named incorrectly or cannot be accessed.


Unrecognized field JSON

Exception text: Most likely the code looks like this: The error is that the names of getter and setter are not consistent with the corresponding field. getVar2() and setVar2() should be named getVar1() and setVar1():