Maven dependency exclusion not working

This article helps you in such cases: There are at list two reasons of such problems: 1. This dependency is transitive for other dependency, not that one, where you made exclusion. Thus you need to add exclusion tag somewhere else (if your exclusion is located in section, not plugin-level). mvn dependency:tree is very useful for […]


Error while calling a method on a Groovy class

You may encounter an error when compiling your project that looks like this: It is not at all clear what class are meant. If you work with IntelliJ IDEA – this is the reason. Sometime it parses maven build/compile logs incorrectly, so the second part of the exception was lost. Compile manually through the terminal […]


Determine versions of dependencies of library Maven

Imagine you need to determine the version of Apache commons-lang dependency in ZooKeeper 3.6.2. The easiest way to do this is to find the artifact page in the mvn repository. For ZooKeeper 3.6.2:  On the page, you need to find the Compile Dependencies section, and find the required dependency there. In our case, the commons-lang 2.6 dependency […]