Terracotta Ehcache notes

Java has a caching standard – JCache. This standard is described in the JSR-107 specification. This standardized approach makes it easier to integrate with different tools that perform the same function. Thus, Spring Boot supports JCache integration. Therefore, whatever implementation of JCache we would use, the code remains the same. Some of the common JCache […]


gRPC Timeouts & Deadlines

First, let’s figure out how the timeout differs from the deadline. Timeout is relative value, but deadline is absolute. If we take a timeout and a deadline of 5 seconds, and we will write the following line (the code for an example, it will not work if you run it): Then, if you want to […]


gRPC channel for target was not shutdown properly

Imagine you are faced with an error like this: The point is that if you create a gRPC channel, you must close it after use. Let’s say you’ve already made a channel like this: After use, it will need to be closed. It is important to wait until it closes; awaitTermination() is used for this:


Scala + Maven + IntelliJ IDEA project setup

To create a Scala project using Maven to manage dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA, you first need to install the Scala plugin: File -> Preferences (Settings) -> Plugins Search Scala in the Marketplace Install it and restart IntelliJ IDEA Next, let’s create a regular Java + Maven project: File -> New -> Project Select Maven -> […]


Maven import static constant cannot find symbol

Suppose you have a class with constants: And you made the static import of this constant in another class: Everything looks good, and IDEA does not show any mistakes (in fact, there are really no errors in code). But Maven suddenly failed building project with cannot find symbol error. This situation can arise because there […]