How to run HBase utility class from Java

Suppose you need to run HBase utility class from Java code. Such a class will have a main() method, which we will use. For demonstrating, we will use RowSplitter class. Firstly, we need to add the hbase-server module (for example, version 1.2.3) to pom.xml: In some our own class, let’s call RegionSplitter’s main(): If you […]


Viewing connections on a Linux port

Sometimes you might want to see the active connections on a specific port, rather than just the status of the port. This can be done using netstat: Something like this will be output (for example for port 19356): Lines containing ESTABLISHED are active connections on the specified port. In our case, there are two of them.


Cancelling gRPC server-streaming call from client

When using gRPC server-streaming call, you may need to interrupt the execution of the request on the server from the client side.  We have a service on the server: And the sendRequest() method on the client: Suppose, that at some moment we need to send a message from the client to the server that the […]


HBase default SCAN parameters

If you are looking for default scan request parameters, here they are: Parameter Default value startRow HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW stopRow HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW maxVersions 1 batch -1 allowPartialResults false storeLimit -1 storeOffset 0 caching -1 maxResultSize -1L cacheBlocks true reversed false timeRange TimeRange.allTime() asyncPrefetch null small false mvccReadPoint -1L limit -1 readType Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT needCursorResult false