KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase/hbaseid

IMPORTANT! If you trying to install Apache Atlas and receiving this error, there is a separate article: Suppose that we are faced with these exceptions. The first: The second: The third: The hbase-client cannot connect to the Zookeeper. You need to pay attention to the address: If there is a real Zookeeper instance at […]


NoClassDefFound Error: Could not initialize class

Suppose that you are faced with an exception like this: At first, you might think that java cannot find com.example.YourClass. But if you execute this line: Then it will work successfully and you will not see an exception. The point is that java sees the class, but a masked error occurred while initializing static fields […]


IgniteException: Work directory does not exist

Suppose that when starting the application, you encounter the following exception: It is assumed, that the /tmp/ignite/work directory is located on the local file system. If the application is running on a cluster, then Ignite will try to create such a folder on each node of the cluster. Exception reasons: The account under which the […]


Spring Boot Yarn onContainerFailed method diagnostics message

Suppose that we have an SBY application, which includes AppMaster and Container. When the container falls due to an exception, we need to send exception text to the AppMaster. When the container falls, the AppMaster’s onContainerFailed() method is automatically called: The method is in the StaticEventingAppmaster class. Your AppMaster must be inherited from it. We […]


Groovy Runtime Exception: Could not find matching constructor

If you encounter an exception like this: Then you most likely have a class InnerClass, which is declared inside BaseClass: And in some other class (even inherited from BaseClass) you are trying to instantiate InnerClass: Then you will get groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor. The point is that objects of inner classes in groovy need […]