How to set up exit code on Spring Boot Yarn container

You need to mark container’s start class using the @YarnComponent and mark method with the @OnContainerStart annotations:

class YourContainer {
  public void onContainerStart() {
    // your code

Despite the fact that the description of the annotation says that it cannot return anything, the return value works. We make the return value of type int.

0 – means successful shutdown of the container, non-zero values – error:

class YourContainer {
  public int onContainerStart() {
    try {
      // your code
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return 1;
    return 0;

The return value should be smaller then 256. You may notice, that:

  • If you terminate the container with exit code 0 or some other positive number, then the same code will be sent to AppMaster;
  • If you terminate the container with a negative code, then another number will be sent to AppMaster.

Why is this happening – let’s talk in this article:

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