Generate SSL certificate with Subject Alternative Names openssl

We assume that openssl is already installed.

User certificate with a SAN

Create a new file named ext.cnf in the folder where we are going to generate certificates. Write the lines to the file:


DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =

Replace records in alt_names section with your owns.

Now, you need to add a flag to the command, which you use for cert generation:

-extfile ext.cnf

It will turn out something like this:

openssl x509 -req -CA ca_cert -CAkey ca_key -in cert_file -out cert_signed -days 365 -CAcreateserial -passin pass: qwe123 -extfile ext.cnf

The command example is taken from the article about generating SSL certificates.

CA certificate with a SAN

Find the openssl.cnf configuration file:

For Linux it can be:

/usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf (primary)

For RHEL Linux it is:


If you can’t find it, use the command:

locate openssl.cnf

It works on both Linux and MacOS.

Let’s make a copy of the file and save it to your home directory:

cat <path_that_you_found>/openssl.cnf > ~/openssl.cnf

We need to open the newly created file ~/openssl.cnf, find the v3_ca section and add the line there:


In the end of file add new section alt_names:

DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =

Replace records in alt_names section with your owns.

Now, you need to add a flag to the command, which you use for CA cert generation:

-config ~/openssl.cnf

It will turn out something like this:

openssl req -new -x509 -keyout ca_key -out ca_cert -config ~/openssl.cnf

The command example is taken from the article about generating SSL certificates.

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