Spring Boot Yarn onContainerFailed method diagnostics message

Suppose that we have an SBY application, which includes AppMaster and Container. When the container falls due to an exception, we need to send exception text to the AppMaster. When the container falls, the AppMaster’s onContainerFailed() method is automatically called: The method is in the StaticEventingAppmaster class. Your AppMaster must be inherited from it. We […]


How to run HBase utility class from Java

Suppose you need to run HBase utility class from Java code. Such a class will have a main() method, which we will use. For demonstrating, we will use RowSplitter class. Firstly, we need to add the hbase-server module (for example, version 1.2.3) to pom.xml: In some our own class, let’s call RegionSplitter’s main(): If you […]


HBase default SCAN parameters

If you are looking for default scan request parameters, here they are: Parameter Default value startRow HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW stopRow HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW maxVersions 1 batch -1 allowPartialResults false storeLimit -1 storeOffset 0 caching -1 maxResultSize -1L cacheBlocks true reversed false timeRange TimeRange.allTime() asyncPrefetch null small false mvccReadPoint -1L limit -1 readType Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT needCursorResult false