Building tdlight natives for aarch64

If you trying to build your project with tdlib on MacOS M1 (Apple Silicon chip), you probably are gonna face this error:

Caused by: it.tdlight.common.utils.CantLoadLibrary: Native libraries for platform OSX-AARCH64 not found! Required version: tdlight osx aarch64 4.0.267

You need to compile these natives for aarch64 architecture. The final artifact will be named as: tdlight-natives-osx-aarch64.

NOTE: If you want to take compiled artifact, just download it from my repo, then put into mavenLocal and use:

Step 1. Compile tdlight-java-natives

If you want to build it from scratch, then clone the repo:, and follow

  1. Install JDK 1.8, and make it default (java -version should print 1.8).
  2. Run scripts/utils./
  3. After successful compilation tdlight-natives-osx-aarch64:4.0.0-SNAPSHOT will be place to you mavenLocal repository (~/.m2/repository/it/tdlight/tdlight-natives-osx-aarch64/4.0.0-SNAPSHOT).

Step 2. Compile tdlight-java

Clone the repo, and follow

  1. Install JDK 11+ by default (JAVA_HOME & PATH environment variables)
  2. cd tdlight
  3. mvn install
  4. tdlight-java: placed to mavenLocal (~/.m2/repository/it/tdlight/tdlight-java/

Step 3. Use dependencies we just built

repositories {
dependencies {

That’s all. Many thanks to:

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If you still have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments under this article or write me at

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